Meet and Greet: Jaime McKee, SMS

Meet and Greet: Jaime McKee, SMS

Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape our organization and the work that we...

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How a Market Map Can Elevate Your Business Strategy

How a Market Map Can Elevate Your Business Strategy

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics Arguably the most important aspect of marketing is finding out who to target. You can have an amazing online presence but if it is with the wrong segment of people, it will not perform as well and will not result in sales for your company....

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Meet and Greet: Charice Patterson

Meet and Greet: Charice Patterson

Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories help shape our organization and the work that we...

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