Amy Jauman

Amy is a speaker, professor, and social media strategist who bills herself as “an educator for the business environment.” She focuses on using social media, experiential learning techniques, and online resources to make information meaningful to adult learners in traditional and remote business and educational environments. In 2017, she authored the NISM textbook Comprehensive Field Guide for Social Media Strategists: Master the Six Content Domains of the SMS Exam. Amy has a Master’s Degree in Experiential Education and a Doctorate in Organization Development. In 2013 she became a certified Social Media Strategist (SMS) and Certified Instructor through the National Institute of Social Media (NISM). In March of 2014, Amy was accepted as one of 58 members representing 12 countries in the inaugural class of the Prezi Educator Society. She also serves on the boards of the Children’s Hospital Association and the Greate Twin Cities Chapter of the Association for Talent Development.