Before You Re-Tweet: Copyright Pitfalls for Social Media Users and Practitioners

Before You Re-Tweet: Copyright Pitfalls for Social Media Users and Practitioners

Given the constant need for content and eye-catching visuals, it would be nearly impossible for social media practitioners and users to create every bit of content from scratch.  However, one should use caution when appropriating others’ works – whether visual or...
Online Going Offline – Visiting NISM in Crystal, Minnesota

Online Going Offline – Visiting NISM in Crystal, Minnesota

Have you experienced this phenomenon? This exciting, yet weird moment when you finally meet people in real-life that you have only seen online? Suddenly your brain must build a new reality because your online picture is supposed to translate into a real offline...
2017 is the Year to Take a Deep Dive into Video

2017 is the Year to Take a Deep Dive into Video

Because social media has become a marketing and PR must-do, everyone needs to become a content creator. This means learning new skills and honing existing ones. Everyone has to write better, take better pictures, and learn to curate. The latest must-do for 2017?...
Staying Mentally Strong While Working in Social Media

Staying Mentally Strong While Working in Social Media

There’s been a lot of discussion lately on how social media is not healthy for you. But I’m here to tell you that it is, or, if it isn’t, that it can be! As an example, the recent elections really did a number on social media and, while I’m not a betting person, I’m...
3 Things to Remember Before Your Next Social Complaint

3 Things to Remember Before Your Next Social Complaint

A colleague of mine recently posed a question to the group – “what is the brand or company for which you would least like to work as a social media community manager?” Our answers ranged, but a few themes emerged including political institutions, cable companies and...