Mise en Place: Exploring a New Setup for Learning

Mise en Place: Exploring a New Setup for Learning

In 2020 when a significant percentage of the world transitioned to working remotely, attending classes online, and having our groceries delivered to our front door, many fundraising organizations faced a new challenge.  With most donations coming from people who give...
Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

Adding Business Events to LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s response to the success of Facebook Events is off to a strong start.  Adding events to LinkedIn allows the marketing strategies for businesses to connect and engage with customers in a new way.  In November of 2019, LinkedIn rolled out the ability for...
Meet and Greet: Kyle Majerus

Meet and Greet: Kyle Majerus

Get to know Social Media Strategist, Kyle Majerus! Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their stories...
Self-Study Tips to Achieve Your SMS Certification

Self-Study Tips to Achieve Your SMS Certification

Exam. It’s a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many. This can be especially true if you’re a working professional who hasn’t studied on your own or taken a test in years. Rest assured, there’s nothing sinister about the NISM Social Media Strategist (SMS) exam....
4 Takeaways on Managing your Online Personal Brand

4 Takeaways on Managing your Online Personal Brand

Why is social media important to you and your life? For starters, it’s an opportunity to connect with others. When we think of social media platforms as merely other communication channels or tools, the stigma of these unknown sharing methods is removed from our fears...