//', // data: { // action: 'apply_edu_coupon', // billing_email: email // }, // success: function(response) { // // Trigger checkout recalculation after the coupon is applied // $('body').trigger('update_checkout'); // } // }); // } // // // Apply debounce of 500ms for input event // var debouncedCheckEmail = debounce(checkEmailAndApplyCoupon, 500); // // // Listen for input event (debounced) and blur event (immediate) // $('#billing_email').on('input', debouncedCheckEmail); // $('#billing_email').on('blur', checkEmailAndApplyCoupon); // }); // // digital marketing - NISM Online - Page 8
Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

Made you Click: The Clickbait Debate

In December 2006, Jay Geiger wrote a blog post that included a never-before-seen word: clickbait. The logic was simple — click referred to the click of a computer mouse while bait referred to something that lures in online users like a worm might lure in a giant...
Meet and Greet: Katy Spencer Johnson

Meet and Greet: Katy Spencer Johnson

Get to know Social Media Strategist, Katy Spencer Johnson! Our SMS professionals serve as ambassadors for our certification program here at NISM. Not only are they knowledgeable about our curriculum, but they also share our passion for social media. Best of all, their...
Examples of Positive Brand Communications Amidst COVID-19

Examples of Positive Brand Communications Amidst COVID-19

     These current times are truly unprecedented. All across the globe, we are witnessing massive shifts in our daily lives as countries and states close their borders and individuals are told to stay indoors following mandated shelter-in-place protocol. All these...
The Best Lead Hooks to Infuse Into Your Content Marketing

The Best Lead Hooks to Infuse Into Your Content Marketing

In today’s digital marketing landscape, how do you stand out among the noise and ensure that your brand receives the desired number of clicks or conversion rates for your business? Recently, Jake Atwood CEO and founder of BuzzBuilder, an email engagement platform, sat...
When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

When Vanity Metrics Lead You Down the Wrong Path

Vanity metrics…we’ve heard so much about them, and the good news is that a lot of recent buzz suggests that marketers are understanding the value of deeper insights in social listening. Platforms such as Instagram are talking about doing away with the like button, in...