Artificial Authors: The Role of AI in Creativity

Artificial Authors: The Role of AI in Creativity

Photo by Solen Feyissa Writers, teachers, and marketers have been following the evolution of creative AI closely. In writing groups, you’ll hear that it’s producing poor quality content and yet still limiting or eliminating writing jobs. In education, the AI...
Brand Ambassador? Influencer? Who’s Best Qualified to Spread the Word about Your Brand

Brand Ambassador? Influencer? Who’s Best Qualified to Spread the Word about Your Brand

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda Are you starting a business—or trying to grow one—and feeling stalled? It may be time to connect with someone who could be a brand ambassador—or several ambassadors, if you believe in the old saying, “the more the merrier.” Before you...
3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

3 Essential Mobile Apps For Social Media Marketing

Navigating social media can be a complicated task. It’s time-consuming, complex, and easy to get wrong. Too often, brands misunderstand the power of social media, leading to unpredictable and costly mistakes. They may under-utilize their platforms or overextend...
Add Social Media Continuity Planning To Your 2024 To-Do List

Add Social Media Continuity Planning To Your 2024 To-Do List

Photo by cottonbro studio Imagine a favorite brand that you follow suddenly changes everything about their social media marketing. Emojis are dropped, accessibility is not a priority, hashtags suddenly have commas, and the brand look and feel have transformed. Is this...
How to Create and Integrate a Social Media Policy (and Why You Need One)

How to Create and Integrate a Social Media Policy (and Why You Need One)

Photo by fauxels You’ve seen the articles. An employee is fired for badmouthing their employer on X or someone got the company in hot water by disclosing a customer’s private information.  Social media can be an excellent tool for growing your brand’s online presence...