One of the presenters at MN Blog Con, Donna Hup, related a story of bloggers floating down the Chicago river on a tour of Chicago architecture: all wrote posts, all were very different. Thus, this post is a take on Saturday’s events at Concordia, but a very personal...
As a social media manager at a big brand, in a regulated industry none the less, one of the things that has consistently kept me awake at night is how we provide our community with the customer service they need on social media. What if a member tweets us at 11pm on a...
Ever had those nightmares about work or school? You know the ones… like when you go to work naked or your boss or a coworker becomes a hideous monster with gnashing teeth? Put those creatures to rest (and get some yourself) by planning ahead. Yeah, it can be tough,...
I love Twitter! I spend time each week growing professional relationships and my business by connecting with others through Twitter. I love the condensed character limit (I know…they are trying to scare me with increased limits), the quick nature of the information...
Personas and Their Importance in Social Media When I first read about the National Institute for Social Media’s plan for #AllHallowsReadNISM and the question that keeps me up at night, many different things came to mind. Admittedly, not many were social media related...
The thing that scares the bejeezus out of me is a person posting on social media who is not nice or intends to cause some form of harm to others. The intent of social media is to connect individuals and groups. It is not a place to bash or virtually segregate others...