Content Marketing Planning & Strategy Guidelines

Content Marketing Planning & Strategy Guidelines

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketing professionals and 70% of B2C marketing professionals integrate content marketing planning and strategy into their overall efforts. Marketers often describe content...

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To Batchwork or Not to Batchwork

To Batchwork or Not to Batchwork

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko Did I google if batchworking was one word or two? Yes. Am I ignoring what Google says? Also yes. This is because I believe the definition of batchworking means getting a bunch of work done in a batch of time, limiting distractions, and...

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What Is BeReal and Why Is It Popular?

What Is BeReal and Why Is It Popular?

The "Time to BeReal'' alert has become a popular notification that teenagers receive regularly on their phones. When the notice appears, there is a two-minute countdown for individuals to take a selfie and photograph their surroundings using their phone to share what...

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Applying for Digital Citizenship

Applying for Digital Citizenship

Over twenty years ago, when the first recognized social media site was introduced, there was not yet a need for a defined set of behaviors, strategic planning, or action plans. Fast forward two decades to a time where new social media platforms and apps are launching...

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